
I am a collaboratively trained attorney and a member of the International Academy of Collaborative Professionals. I am on the Executive Board, Marketing Committee and Education Committee and am Membership Chair, of the New Jersey Collaborative Law Group. 

My focus is try to get my client through a difficult time in their life and protect their interests, while trying to make sure they retain a relationship with their former spouse for the sake of the children. The children are most affected by divorce even if the parents think they are doing fine.

 I tell all clients that the longer they fight, the only one that wins is the lawyer - its expensive to fight and extremely detrimental to the children. Collaborative Divorce is the only method I have found in keeping with my principles in a divorce to allow both parties to effectively communicate, work out their issues and be able to remain civil, for the sake of the children. It’s generally cheaper and can offer more creative and lasting solutions in divorce. Marriages that end in divorce need not end in a courtroom.